Task: Call for indirect fire. Adjust indirect fire. Fire for effect
Condition: You are a senior leader in a platoon or company during a traveling over watch movement in a
non-CBRNE environment. Your adjacent unit has come under fire from (Grader states type and size of
target, as well as cardinal direction to target) and is requesting fire support. Do you identify your target? You
have no Forward Observer in your element. You have a 10-digit grid to your location and (Grader states
type of mortars/artillery) available.
Standard: Transmit a call for fire, utilizing a grid mission, to the FDC within three minutes of target
identification, locating the target within 250 meters. State direction to target within 100 mils/5 degrees with or
before the first correction. Adjust fire to within 50 meters of the target using at least two but no more than six
bracketing corrections, calling each adjustment within 45 seconds of the previous round impact. Fire for
effect, transmit the results, and end the mission within 30 seconds of the final adjusting round impact.
Transmitting and Adjusting the Call for fire will be performed in sequence, using the proper radiotelephone
pronunciation and procedures, with 100% accuracy