Task: Assemble and load Communications Security (COMSEC) into a tactical man packable or vehicle
mounted radio, program it for both Line of Sight (LOS) and Satellite (SAT) voice communications, then
conduct a LOS radio check. Use this radio to transmit your Spot Report (SPOTREP).
Condition: You are a member of a team who has been directed to prepare your radio for operations in a
non-CBRNE environment. Next, you have moved to an observation post (OP) and are witnessing enemy
operations. Intelligence reporting gives the size of your target as (Grader states height or width of target,
ensuring Candidate identifies it).
Standard: Assemble, load, and program the radio and conduct a LOS radio check within five minutes.
Correctly transmit a SPOTREP in sequence, using proper radiotelephone (RTO) pronunciation and
procedures within ten minutes.