Task: : Prepare a range card for a machine gun.
Condition: You are a member of a platoon gun team at a defensive fighting position in a non-CBRNE
environment. You have a tripod-mounted machine gun with a traversing and elevation (T&E) mechanism.
Grader will then identify the primary sector of fire with recognizable targets (either a Final Protective Line
[FPL] or Principal Direction of Fire [PDF]) and the secondary sector of fire with recognizable targets.
Standard: Complete the marginal information. Sketch the primary sector of fire, develop the sketch for the
primary sector of fire and record the weapon system data. Sketch the secondary sector of fire, label the dead
space, and record the position of the weapon system. All directions/deflections must be accurate within 54 mils,
all ranges with no more than a 20% margin of error. Correctly perform all tasks within 20 minutes.