Task: Clear, Disassemble, Assemble, and Perform a Functions Check on an M17/M18 Pistol
Condition: You are a member of a team that has just returned from a mission, and you have been directed
to conduct maintenance on your Pistol.
Standard: Correctly clear and disassemble the M17/M18 Pistol, matching the parts with the correct
nomenclature labels within 30 seconds. Correctly assemble and perform functions check on the M17/M18
Pistol within 45 seconds. Clear and Perform a Functions Check will be performed in sequence.
Task: Clear, Disassemble, Assemble, and Perform a Functions Check on an M500 series Shotgun
Condition: You are a member of a team that has just returned from a mission, and you have been directed
to conduct maintenance on your Shotgun.
Standard: Correctly clear and disassemble the M500 series Shotgun, matching the parts with the correct
nomenclature labels within one minute. Correctly assemble and perform functions check on the M500 series
Shotgun within two minutes. Clear and Perform a Functions Check will be performed in sequence.